PLMIG Membership Categories
There are three categories of PLMIG Membership, designed to enable companies and individual practitioners to benefit
from the PLMIG initiatives and working material.
Individual Membership
of the PLMIG provides the complete set of PLM tools,
including electronic copies of the publications on
Amazon; plus the
advanced toolsets for Financial Management and Delivery.
Members automatically become
Professional PLM Associates
and can also use the standard Q&A response structure to get ideas and answers to issues that arise
as the tools are used, in order to help develop their implementation.
For organisations or individuals that wish to work with the PLMIG on a specific subject, or
within a specific timeframe, there is Bespoke Membership.
Organisations that apply PLM on a corporate or global scale can use
Corporate Membership
to embody PLMIG best practices, methods and metrics within their enterprise-wide implementation.
Corporate Membership provides automatic membership of the
Professional PLM Steering Group,
together with a proactive 12-month programme that works towards Class A PLM across the enterprise.
It enables easy adoption of PLM Standardisation, and implementation of the PLM Financial Framework;
fast-track progress towards professionalism;
worldwide licensing of PLMIG handbooks and toolsets; and ongoing active PLMIG support for
your implementations.
Scope of Membership
PLM is not limited just to engineering and manufacturing organisations - it applies to any organisation that trades
on a commercial basis. Membership of the PLMIG is open to individuals
and companies from all industry sectors : discrete manufacturing ; process ; CPG ; pharmaceutical ; petrochemical ; building
and construction ; financial ; service ; developers of PLM and related technologies, vendors and distributors ; system
integrators ; consultants ; research institutes ; industry associations ; standardisation bodies ; government agencies ;
Follow the links above for more details, or contact Roger Tempest at
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